Creating the Anodize Process
At Sanford Process, we work to develop custom anodizing processes for a variety of industry applications, including household, medical, marine, industrial, military, aerospace and more. Our most exciting projects are those where our clients have a critical unmet need that requires development of new technologies.
Our development of custom anodizing processes follows a series of logical and structured steps and employs many best-in-practice development tools, such as Design of Experiment, within an overall Stage Gate process. Extensive experience with the anodize process enables our project teams to accelerate the development process, reduce risk, and therefore increase the likelihood of meeting even the most challenging of schedules and project requirements.
Process Validation
Customers require confidence that custom anodizing process solutions will work – not just in theory but also in practice – and can be transferred between facilities with confidence. To achieve this goal, each anodize process project we undertake can include an IQ, OQ, or PQ for the developed processes as well as other supporting deliverables such as PFMEA (Process Failure Mode Effect Analysis).